#WORKOUT WEDNESDAY: Started From The Autumn

Football season. Sweater weather. Flannel and plaid. Oh, and Pumpkin Spice Lattes (I see you Starbucks). Yep; fall is pretty great. It is the place where one thing ends and another begins.

Now that the “cool front” has rolled in (at a chilling 70 degrees….brrr), and that “autumn” zing is starting to settle in the air, I am intrigued by the changes that occur, seemingly beyond our notice. The lack of awareness that it reveals in us. We see the changing leaves and wonder, “When did that happen?” “How did I miss that?” Changes take us by surprise and remind us that we are not always as aware as we think we are. We can always awaken a bit more of life. Seems right to start the season off right, perhaps turn over a new leaf, and “fall” back into fitness.

With that said, let’s go over a few tips to help you take on everything fall has to throw at you, like a seasoned (but jacked) woodsman, and ease back into or start anew without losing motivation or risking injury.

Too much, too soon

Build a foundation. Keep in mind, your level of progression is largely based on your total time off, the reason for the break (surgery, work, children), and your level of fitness prior. Do one or two things that you can be successful at over a week or two. Once you get a groove going, then add another thing, and then another. Soon you’re going to start to notice that you’re doing more healthy things than unhealthy things.

Being so sore the next day that you’re hobbling down the stairs does not indicate a good quality workout.

Your first step should be to integrate a couple of days of flexibility workouts to increase blood flow, circulation, range of motion and joint mobility. It will allow your body to properly adjust to the new demands that will be placed on it. If you have access to a health club or fitness professional, I recommend signing up for a flexibility or beginner Pilates class.

Next, try incorporating light cardio after a couple of flexibility sessions. If weather permits, a brisk 20-minute walk outside will help get your body moving again. The treadmill, elliptical and stationary bike are great indoor alternatives.

After the first week of flexibility and light cardio, start to incorporate strength workouts into your routine. Exercises like squats, lunges, push-ups and planks will help to improve posture, develop core strength, and activate muscles throughout your glute and hamstring regions. These muscles are important for basic everyday movement, as well as keep your spine erect when you’re at your desk.

Once starry-eyed, you’re now bored: 

When you get home from work lay out your exercise clothes. Fill up a water bottle and put it in the fridge. Pack the outfit you’re going to wear to work the next day –makeup, shoes, outfit –have it all ready to go, and then set your alarm for the next morning. Do everything you need to do before you start to unwind. This forces you to just get up and do it, no excuses.

Find a physical activity that you love doing. If for example you’re miserable the entire time you’re running, try something else. It’s one thing to motivate yourself to get active, but you shouldn’t have to force yourself through something you hate. Pick your favorite activities, and find places to do them with other willing, motivated and probably-Lululemon-clad groups of people.

Set weekly goals and celebrate small wins and accomplishments each week to pump you up, so you start seeing yourself as successful. Rather than just having one BIG goal – set smaller goals or STEPPING STONES:

– SET daily goals – drink lots of water, eat at least 2 cups of vegetables, reduce the amount of processed foods you eat

– SET weekly goals – complete two workouts this week, lose 1lb, or reduce xx number of inches off my body

– SET monthly goals – fit into my jeans, do ten push-ups without stopping, train for an event

You are what you eat:

Watch your diet! During the hotter months it’s a little easier to avoid overeating, but the desire to indulge will creep up on you when it’s cold outside. Candied temptation is in full effect, avoid the ‘walk-by reach’, and the ‘I’ve held out long enough grab’ by filling up on whole grains, lean protein, fruits and veggies.

Have snacks on hand and at the ready for those weak moments, like when you’re going to Duane Reade for paper towels and deodorant, and you have to walk through the Halloween candy isle in order to get it. Bastards.

Caving into craving, as long as it’s in moderation, can curb the desire to go at it like a kid in a candy store.

As we say goodbye to sweet September, take a moment to reflect on how our lives change when we decide to put our health first. Lots of sleep is delicious, but that’s what winter hibernation is for, right? We’re not there yet. Now is the time to incorporate healthy habits back into your schedule.


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Samantha Datz graduated from The University of Tampa with a BS in Exercise Science and Sports Studies. She is a fitness expert with a passion for motivating and inspiring others. Samantha’s versatile teaching style combines many fitness trends, keeping her on the cutting edge. Her certifications include Level II Peak Pilates Instructor, Xtend Barre™, TRX Suspension Training, SpringTone® and the CoreAlign® method. Today, Samantha’s business includes private training, small group training and teaching expert level fitness classes at New York’s elite Pilates studio Alycea Ungaro’s Real Pilates, as well as world renowned health clubs Reebok Sports Club/NY and The Sports Club/LA. Samantha’s regimen involves sports specific training, and post physical rehabilitation. She has trained top professional athletes such as Aubrey Huff of the San Francisco Giants and Tampa Bay Buccaneers Reggie Brown. She has also trained celebrities such as Sir Ian McKellen and Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen, Victoria’s Secret runway models, and dignitaries such as Prince Osman of Turkey. Samantha has appeared on various media outlets; she was showcased in South Tampa Magazine with “The Best of the Best Fitness Instructors” mentoring a competitor in the Biggest Loser Competition. She has been featured as a Pilates expert training co-hosts Jerry Penacoli and Cyndi Edwards of the nationally syndicated Daytime television show. Samantha’s newest endeavor is becoming the Fitness Director for Sharetheglam.com. Samantha’s fitness training means achieving fitness and balance on three levels: the emotional (The Mindset), the spiritual (The Motivation), and the physical (The Movement). She helps her clients reach their full potential by focusing her training on utilizing proper body mechanics when exercising to help the body operate at peak efficiency without hurting itself.Contact her at sDatz@sharetheglam.com!