We Talk About Our Lady Parts on Suncoast View

This week I visited ABC and my favorite hosts on Suncoast View to chat about…well…our lady parts. Linda is never shy to talk about sex and since Stephanie has children, I felt like I had a pretty solid panel to discuss what happens to a woman’s vagina, pelvic floor, or whatever nickname you’ve given it postpartum, periomenopause and post ‘life change”.

Recently GOOP featured a pilates instructor who travels postpartum with a device to keep her pelvic floor strong and strengthened. Right there in her carry-on she has what most women would hide away in a obscure drawer where no one would ever peek.

Has the conversation become so transparent that we, as women, are demanding an open platform to build up our confidence by strengthening our walls or floors and getting back in touch with our sexuality and pleasure in the process? I sure hope so…

I’ve never given birth but I can tell you a lot of my friends had a tough time getting themselves marginally put back together down there postpartum. It weighs on their confidence sexually and some even have to carry extra underwear incase they sneeze or cough in public. They opt for an extra stitch or even get a surgical net put inside of them or opt for invasive procedures like lasers. It’s been a tough road to recovery out there for mom’s vagina and let’s hope she has the will and money to get such treatments.

What about women who are on their way to and post menopause. They’re already on a hormonal rollercoaster and to add to it, lose pleasure in sex and sometimes find it painful?

vFit and vFit Plus give women a tool to use in the privacy of their homes to strengthen the pelvic floor.    

So now you see why I couldn’t have found a more perfect panel to discuss this topic with on Suncoast View. I partnered with vFit and vFit Plus because…well they had the most advanced tool out there that is designed to be used in the privacy of your home. The devices are incredibly consumer friendly and have impressive third party testing satisfaction. vFit utilizes gentle heat, LED Red Light Therapy and sonic vibration to strengthen your lady parts from the inside out. Bringing more confidence back to your sneeze, jog and romps in the sack. 

I’m not going to have any babies and have not neared menopause just yet, but I tell you what…if i lose the ability to enjoy intimacy with my mate… I’m taking things into my own hands…

Watch our segment here and for more information go to getVFit.com. You can choose which device is right for you. Use code suncoastdiscount for a free gift with purchase. Enjoy and stay active!

#makelifebeautiful and #sharetheglam

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