Beauty That Stands The Test of Time- Blistex and Cetaphil Turn 70


Two Iconic Beauty Brands are turning 70 and their landmark products are still thriving in the industry today.

It seems there was quite a bit of innovation in cosmetics in 1947. Blistex Inc. was created by a few determined entrepreneurs believing in a superior formula for lips, while a pharmacist invented a gentle cleanser for dermatologists under the Cetaphil brand.

Both brands have managed to reinvent packaging for their initial launches over the course of seven decades, but little has changed if any to the formulations. Why have these two products stood the test of time and won over the incredibly fickle beauty consumer? Hard to say, but it seems these two products are focused on very specific demands. Lips that need serious care, and skin that needs a gentle solution for cleansing recommended by dermatologists.

Blistex Medicated Lip Ointment contains an external analgesic which provides medication directly to the lip skin to comfort, soothe and relieve the cracked and chapped lips. This balm is also clinically-shown to help heal chapped lips, assuring the user that this heritage product has always been the effective product they have trusted for more than 60 years. Blistex Medicated Lip Ointment contains 4 medications to provide relief from the pain, itching and discomfort of lip sores and blisters. Its moisture and emollient base hydrates and softens lip cells to alleviate cracking and seriously dry lips.

The Cleansing Lotion or Gentle Skin Cleanser (as it’s known today) was invented in 1947 by a pharmacist for dermatology needs. In its early years, this product was only available from select pharmacists, but quickly became a highly recommended product by dermatologists, pediatricians, and other healthcare professionals for common skin conditions. While the packaging may have changed since then, Cetaphil’s Gentle Skin Cleanser still uses the original formula developed in 1947. Additionally, it continues to be the brand’s best-selling product, with about one bottle sold every minute.


Happy Birthday Blistex and Cetaphil  you’ve come a long way over the course of 70 years. You’ve both launched with iconic products, and gone on to excel with more skus for more needs. Bravo and many more birthdays to come! Cheers….

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